It is a liquid solution of amino acids composed of a protein hydrolysate from microalgae, obtained using TrieTech© technology developed by Biorizon Biotech.

This specific concentrate is a valuable additive that significantly complements the basic formulation for plant care. Its main function is to intensify the rooting properties of seedlings, which is essential to ensure sound and healthy growth in the early stages of development.

Commercial Features


Biostimulant effect


UE 2019/1009


Trietech© Technology


Use in Organic Farming


Organic Farming Inputs Certificate


Sigfito, Packaging collection and recycling

    • Growth80%
    • Anti Pest Reinforcement80%
    • Power Colour80%
    • Sustainable agriculture99%
    • Rooting99%

    Commercial Features

      • Growth80%
      • Anti Pest Reinforcement80%
      • Power Colour80%
      • Sustainable Agriculture99%
      • Abiotic Stress99%

      Mode of Action

      The highlight of this product is its ability to provide additional protection to plants when they are under stress. This stress can be caused by various environmental factors, such as adverse weather conditions, temperature fluctuations or changes in water supply. The application of this concentrate during the first weeks of planting acts as a shield that strengthens the resistance of the plants and allows them to face these challenges more effectively.

      The use of this concentrate is particularly recommended in the early stages of the plant's life cycle, as it is during this period that the foundations for healthy development and satisfactory production are laid. It improves the ability of the roots to absorb nutrients and water from the soil, which in turn contributes to faster and more robust growth.
        • Growth80%
        • Anti Pest Reinforcement80%
        • Power Colour80%
        • Sustainable agriculture99%
        • Abiotic Stress99%

        Demonstration and results
        Biopower Eco in numbers


        Trial with two foliar applications of Biopower Eco in Broccoli

        Cereales 2

        Trial with two foliar applications of Biopower Eco on Barley

        Hortícolas al aire libre

        Trial with two irrigation applications of Biopower Eco on Onions


        Trial with two foliar applications of Biopower Eco on Lettuce

        Cereales 2

        Trial with two foliar applications of Biopower Eco on wheat.

        Cereales 2

        Trial with two foliar applications of Biopower Eco in Maize

        Benefits of Biopower Eco

        Increased root development

        Exceptional root development both at the main root level and at the level of secondary roots and absorbing hairs.

        Nutrient assimilation

        Improved nutrient uptake due to faster and better root development.

        Increased capacity to cope with stress

        Its symbiotic effect with mycorrhizae and bacteria of the genus Bacillus spp and metabolites of microalgal origin reduce the use of traditional synthetic fertilisers by up to 30%.


        Improvements in nutrient assimilation increase nutritional values in the leaf, enhancing the nutritional quality of the fruit.

        Benefits of Biopower Eco

        Increased root development

        Exceptional root development both at the main root level and at the level of secondary roots and absorbing hairs.

        Nutrient assimilation

        Improved nutrient uptake due to faster and better root development.

        Increased capacity to cope with stress

        Its symbiotic effect with mycorrhizae and bacteria of the genus Bacillus spp and metabolites of microalgal origin reduce the use of traditional synthetic fertilisers by up to 30%.


        Improvements in nutrient assimilation increase nutritional values in the leaf, enhancing the nutritional quality of the fruit.

        Benefits of Biopower Eco

        Increased root development

        Exceptional root development both at the main root level and at the level of secondary roots and absorbing hairs.

        Nutrient assimilation

        Improved nutrient uptake due to faster and better root development.

        Increased capacity to cope with stress

        Its symbiotic effect with mycorrhizae and bacteria of the genus Bacillus spp and metabolites of microalgal origin reduce the use of traditional synthetic fertilisers by up to 30%.


        Improvements in nutrient assimilation increase nutritional values in the leaf, enhancing the nutritional quality of the fruit.